Friday, October 29, 2010

my ventosa experience

Dudez invited me to go for a massage because he was so stressed and restless, so i said yes! and we went to a spa that night. we had 1 hour whole body massage with aromatherapy and ventosa.
It is my first time to hear that word so i have no idea about such a thing..
he asked me if I also want ventosa, I just said yes without any idea what it is all about..
while the massage is going on i saw cups and fire...
the masseur put the fire inside the cup and put it on my back. I'm scared looking at the fire so I just close my eyes and feel the pain at my back...
when the session was finished I looked at my back and saw a lot of spots and got scared... my back looks like this
these are the cups
Even my friends got scared when they saw my back, so I researched about ventosa and got this meaning...

Ventosa means "pulling out wind" or the familiar "lamig" - which refers to muscle spasm and tissue congestion, a technique in olden China which opens the body's Meridians and restores the flow of qi. Pain is believed to result from blockages in the pathway of these energy flow thus restoring balance is crucial in healing. This is done by positioning you face down and placing of glasses on specific accupoints in a negative pressure environment to activate blood flow, drive out wind and dampness. Vacuum created inside the glass lifts the skin and increases circulation, helps alleviate pain and allows the body to feel relaxed and rested. This method is generally pain free, and certain redness of the area is normal and is to be expected, a small price to pay for the invaluable relief that is sure to follow. It is then followed by a body Massage necessary for blood regulation...

Now i'm not scared anymore... i will try it again if I have the chance..
I would also like to say thank you to dudez for letting me experienced such a thing... muah :*


  1. I too was scare to know this treatment! a similar treatment is also available here to relief cramps.

  2. I see! I was so naive with this thing until I experienced it,, but it's really popular specially in China.
